Guitar Restoration Part 14
So, how do you oil the neck of a guitar?
Use a dry rag and rub the linseed oil into the wood. You don't need too much, just enough to moisten the fretboard. After you have wiped all residue, wait a minute then tap the across fretboard a few times with your finger. This rises any excess oil to the surface which you can now wipe it off with your rag.
Before you pick up the guitar and start shredding like Eddie Van Helen, just take a chill pill. Allow it to stand for about 2-3 hours to ensure the oil has completely absorbed.
A couple more house keeping tips to maintain your guitar and keep it in perfect condition for the rest of its life:
Always clean your hands with sanitizer, wipes or soap before playing. If you get a snack our a drink, clean them again.
Always wipe down your neck and fretboard after every session. You can use a dry rag or a chamois.
Re-apply oil to your neck annually. Set a calendar reminder to service your instruments.